Our Services

Advanced Horoscope
You can use astrology to plan your career, manage obstacles and use the favorable periods to the maximum advantage.

Business Problems
Get an instant report about your chances of becoming rich in life and time tested remedies to improve those chances.

Career Problems
Get an instant report about your chances of becoming rich in life and time tested remedies to improve those chances.

Child Issues
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Court Case Problems
You can use astrology to plan your career, manage obstacles and use the favorable periods to the maximum advantage.

Critical Life Problems
Get an instant report about your chances of becoming rich in life and time tested remedies to improve those chances.

Financial Problems
Get an instant report about your chances of becoming rich in life and time tested remedies to improve those chances.

Health Issues
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Immigration Problems
You can use astrology to plan your career, manage obstacles and use the favorable periods to the maximum advantage.

Manglik / Kuja Dosha
Get an instant report about your chances of becoming rich in life and time tested remedies to improve those chances.

Marriage Problems
Get an instant report about your chances of becoming rich in life and time tested remedies to improve those chances.

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You can use astrology to plan your career, manage obstacles and use the favorable periods to the maximum advantage.

Vastu Problems
Get an instant report about your chances of becoming rich in life and time tested remedies to improve those chances.

Yoga Analysis
Get an instant report about your chances of becoming rich in life and time tested remedies to improve those chances.

Annual Horoscope
Your birthday is a very important day every year. The Varshphal report gives you the predictions for the year from your birthday.

Your Financial Destiny
Use this amazing service to get an instant report about your chances of becoming rich in life and time tested remedies to improve those chances.

FREE Horoscope
Vedicscholar.com is pleased to present free horoscope and predictions. Moon sign and Ascendant sign with analysis, birth star with analysis and an analysis of your current operating dasa.
This report and the remedies was a gift from heavens for me. I had given up hope till I came across your site and it changed my life forever. My business suddenly became success and now I am able to enjoy all that life has to offer.
This is incredible, I never knew astrology can be so powerful. I was initially skeptical but it did wonders, I found a very well paid job only 3 weeks after I did your remedies. Thank You Very Much
I had failures in everything I did, just bad luck when it came to financial matters. But a small investment in your report changed everything. Everything I touch now is turning in to Gold. Highly recommended.
I wish I had found your site few years back, it would have saved me from all those failures. Your remedies really work.
I never believed in astrology and my wife literally forced me to try your remedies. Now I am a big believer. Its amazing how little things can make a big change in your life. Now I own 2 gas stations and a motel.

About Vedic Astrology
Vedic Astrology is an ancient Indian science which explains planetary motions and positions with respect to time and their effect on humans and other entities on earth.
Vedic astrology can be traced thousands of years back. Early Vedic astrology was only based on the movement of planets with respect to stars, but later on it started including zodiac signs as well.
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